Vaccination Policy




100% Remote. 100% Global.
A Company Without Borders,
A Policy Without Prejudice.

Your Choice, Our Respect.

At FOR®, we believe that opportunity waits for no one—this includes the opportunity for our team members to make personal choices about their health and well-being. As a company with a 100% remote and global workforce, we fully respect each individual's right to make their own decisions in compliance with the local and governmental policies of their respective countries.

Global and Local Compliance

As we engage in creative collaborations across borders, our team is responsible for adhering to the COVID-19 vaccination policies and guidelines established by their local governments and health organizations. This commitment allows us to not only respect international laws but also to adapt flexibly to the ever-changing landscape of global health protocols.

Informed Choices

While FOR® does not express an opinion on behalf of our team members concerning vaccination, we strongly encourage everyone to stay informed. The situation surrounding COVID-19 and vaccination protocols can change quickly, so it's crucial for each of us to keep up-to-date with the latest credible information and regulations in our specific regions.

Safety Above All

Though we don't dictate personal choices, we prioritize the well-being of our team and clients alike. We have tools and resources available for team members to share updates and information on local policies, offering a collaborative space where everyone can stay well-informed.

Transparent and Open Dialogue

In line with our core philosophy of collaboration and cooperation, we are always open to dialogue. If you have any questions or would like to discuss our policy further, we invite you to reach out to our HR department.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does FOR® require its employees and contractors to be vaccinated against COVID-19?

No, FOR® does not require vaccination. However, we do expect all employees and contractors to comply with local and governmental policies regarding COVID-19 in their respective countries.

How does FOR® handle different vaccination policies in different countries?

We operate on a principle of local compliance. All team members are responsible for adhering to the COVID-19 vaccination policies and guidelines established by their local governments and health organizations.

What if I choose not to get vaccinated?

FOR® respects your personal choice concerning vaccination. We do not dictate the health choices of our team members. However, we do expect everyone to comply with the guidelines and regulations set by their local and national governments.

Will my vaccination status affect my employment or project opportunities at FOR®?

No, your vaccination status will not impact your employment or project opportunities. We evaluate team members based on their skills, contributions, and the quality of their work.


Does FOR® require its employees and contractors to be vaccinated against COVID-19?

No, FOR® does not require vaccination. However, we do expect all employees and contractors to comply with local and governmental policies regarding COVID-19 in their respective countries.

How does FOR® handle different vaccination policies in different countries?

We operate on a principle of local compliance. All team members are responsible for adhering to the COVID-19 vaccination policies and guidelines established by their local governments and health organizations.

What if I choose not to get vaccinated?

FOR® respects your personal choice concerning vaccination. We do not dictate the health choices of our team members. However, we do expect everyone to comply with the guidelines and regulations set by their local and national governments.

Will my vaccination status affect my employment or project opportunities at FOR®?

No, your vaccination status will not impact your employment or project opportunities. We evaluate team members based on their skills, contributions, and the quality of their work.


Does FOR® require its employees and contractors to be vaccinated against COVID-19?

No, FOR® does not require vaccination. However, we do expect all employees and contractors to comply with local and governmental policies regarding COVID-19 in their respective countries.

How does FOR® handle different vaccination policies in different countries?

We operate on a principle of local compliance. All team members are responsible for adhering to the COVID-19 vaccination policies and guidelines established by their local governments and health organizations.

What if I choose not to get vaccinated?

FOR® respects your personal choice concerning vaccination. We do not dictate the health choices of our team members. However, we do expect everyone to comply with the guidelines and regulations set by their local and national governments.

Will my vaccination status affect my employment or project opportunities at FOR®?

No, your vaccination status will not impact your employment or project opportunities. We evaluate team members based on their skills, contributions, and the quality of their work.


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